Make a donation to Tudor Oaks COVID Relief today.
The impact of the COVID-19 virus has been felt across the globe and created challenges for us all. Tudor Oaks is meeting those challenges and doing all we can to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy. From changes in resident and family social interaction to modifying how we manage medical needs for residents, Tudor Oaks is there for you and your family.
Meeting the challenge of COVID-19 brings with it additional financial pressure. Due to a number of the new requirements, we are experiencing significant increases in the use of PPE for staff, more staff hours, additional equipment, new medical testing, and much more.
If you are in a financial position to help the residents and staff of Tudor Oaks, please consider making a donation for Tudor Oaks COVID relief today. Your gift at this time will help us get through the crisis and ensure a healthy community for the residents of today and tomorrow.